Yushuo Xiao

Direct Doctorate Student

Department of Computer Science, ETH Zürich

Chinese version


I am a first-year master’s student at ETH Zürich (as part of the Direct Doctorate program). I am doing research with Prof. Peter Müller on automated program verifiers. My interest is primarily in programming languages, verification, formal methods and their related fields.

Before that, I graduated from Peking University. I worked with Prof. Zhenjiang Hu on domain-specific languages research.


ETH Zürich, Switzerland (2022—)

Peking University, Beijing, China (2018—2022)

Dalian No. 24 High School, Dalian, China (2015—2018)

Research Projects


[FLOPS 2022] Ziyi Yang*, Yushuo Xiao*, Zhichao Guan, Zhenjiang Hu. A Lazy Desugaring System for Evaluating Programs with Sugars. 16th International Symposium on Functional and Logic Programming.

Personal & Course Projects

Teaching Experiences


Here is my Google Calendar. You can also see the Chinese homepage for a simplified version of the calendar.